Have you got any mail with an attachment file "winmail.dat" containing useful information and you could not open it ?
Then here is a simple solution to extract the contents.
1. Install tnef command-line program using command below,
sudo apt-get install tnef.
2. Create a small script "tnef.sh" and save to your "Desktop" folder.
Contents :
/usr/bin/tnef -C $LOCATION --save-body -f $1
3. Change the permission of file "tnef.sh" as, (type in terminal and press enter)
chmod +x tnef.sh
4. Go to thunderbird and click on winmail.dat attachment and,
select open with...
-----> Browse..... tnef.sh -----> Click "OK".
5.This will create a folder "winmail" in your desktop which contains,
a) Mail Body as .rtf format.
b) Attachments.
Then here is a simple solution to extract the contents.
1. Install tnef command-line program using command below,
sudo apt-get install tnef.
2. Create a small script "tnef.sh" and save to your "Desktop" folder.
Contents :
/usr/bin/tnef -C $LOCATION --save-body -f $1
3. Change the permission of file "tnef.sh" as, (type in terminal and press enter)
chmod +x tnef.sh
4. Go to thunderbird and click on winmail.dat attachment and,
select open with...
-----> Browse..... tnef.sh -----> Click "OK".
5.This will create a folder "winmail" in your desktop which contains,
a) Mail Body as .rtf format.
b) Attachments.