Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Vruksham Software Core Developers.

An enthusiastic team situated in Hanchinal, Kundgol Taluk, Dist. Dharwad have started a Software Development Group for development of customised software solutions for both RPM and DEBIAN linux Operating Systems. The team is known as Vruksham Software Core Developers.

Scope : The main target of the team is to customize the softwares used for VLSI DESIGN and SIMULATION. With the solutions provided at VSCD, one can automate most of the design related stuffs and there by reducing sufficient time and money spent on works.
For example, there is a software (development version) that is capable of automating Magic Layout generation as per the given input data. The layout of any size can be regenerated automatically, several times with no much effort. You can download the package at below links,

The team is headed by Mr. Basavaraj Tambur,  with plenty of knowledge in Python, Perl, TK/TCL, Java, C/C++ scripting.

One more person named Mr. VKSALIAN has knowledge on RPM and DEBIAN packages and basic script knowledge is assisting the team in creating Installer packages for Linux. Presently he is concentrating on Package creation methods and customization of packages.

Basically, the idea for software development came into mind when they found some scope for customization and automation of softwares. Then, with little knowledge they started creating small packages and found success, surprisingly. They continued the work as an entertainment which resulted in technical knowledge development. Soon, they thought of forming a group to develop such softwares, and the result is VSCD.

The present Projects being handled at VSCD are,

1. File converter from .rm to mp3 (all formats) for Linux.
2. Automation for Magic Layouts (VLSI).

Future projects we planned,

1. Decoder package for all formats in single package. (Linux).
2. Karaoke Maker software for Linux (High quality).
3. Simulation program for VLSI designs with flexibility (replacement for ngspice).
4. Mini Linux OS (VSCD Linux).

You may download trial base sample development packages here, below,


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